
    Sigma Nu Badge


  • Our Commanders of the Theta Kappa Chapter


    Meet the Commanders of Theta Kappa



    Sigma Nu Coat of Arms



  • We are missing the following Commanders from the website - please help us find them. They are:

    #06: Bruce H. Hall (Bruce) – ΘΚ 69 (1972-1973) – Greenacres FL


    We would like to have a current "Alumni Information Update" on file, so please fill one out and return. We also would like to have a current head & shoulders photo of each of our commanders in your profile and posted here.


    You need to do two things to update your Alumni Information:

    1. Download an update form (Click Here: Alumni Information Update), fill it out, and return. You can either fax it to 404-478-8887 OR scan/email it to alumni.sngsu@outlook.com.

    2. Complete your "Online Alumni Profile" on this site including a profile picture. You must be logged in to do this.


    To update your profile on this website you will need to first log-in (upper right). When you login you will be taken to your "personal dashboard" (My Page), please update your profile and your picture.


    Please do this right away and we can help (if needed)!


  • Photo Name Position
    John Yarbrough #30 (1998-1999)
  • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life


    Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.