LEAD at Theta Kappa

  • Theta Kappa LEAD - At GSU's City Campus/E-Zone


    Sigma Nu Fraternity’s Theta Kappa Chapter (at Georgia Southern University) has implemented and embraced the LEAD Program for both new member education and continuing education for all members. The LEAD Program, which stands for Leadership, Ethics, Achievement, and Development, is designed to make members better brothers, better alumni, better leaders, stronger citizens and to provide a competitive edge in the wide open job marketplace. The Theta Kappa Chapter utilizes GSU’s City Campus “E-Zone” as well as the Chapter Home for this value-added educational program.


    The Theta Kappa Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity also utilizes the GSU E-Zone Conference Room and Classroom Facilities for meetings between the Chapter Officers and the Alumni Advisory Board.


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    Here are several links of interest related to LEAD:


    The Theta Kappa Chapter will utilize GSU's new City Campus "E-Zone" for the LEAD Program this year and is excited about the prospects! The Entrepreneur Zone (the “E-Zone”) is the crown jewel of cooperation between GSU and local community where they intend to incubate technology-based start-ups. For entrepreneurs who merely have a concept, we offer a pre-business membership that includes mentoring and business plan consulting. There is a "high-tech" classroom and an intimate conference room, which we will utilize.

    The conference room is private and offers complete video conferencing capabilities – sending (should you want to broadcast your own webinar) and receiving (if you need to touch base with remote parties).

  • GSU's City Campus & E-Zone


    GSU's City Campus & E-Zone


    GSU's City Campus & E-Zone



    Theta Kappa AAB & EC meet at the GSU E-Zone


    Theta Kappa AAB at the GSU E-Zone


  • Sigma Nu GSU Executive Officers meet at the GSU E-Zone


    Dr. Luke Pittaway, a Sigma Nu Advisor, on Leadership at the GSU E-Zone


  • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life


    Please review our "Code of Conduct" and the Conduct Expectations at all fraternal events - click here.