LEAD Phase I: The Way of Honor
Phase I establishes a foundation of knowledge for all new members including Sigma Nu's history, mission, why it exists and its structures and policies. As participants progress through each of the sessions, they will begin to understand who they are as men, leaders and brothers. This is also the basis of candidate education.
LEAD Phase I Topics: http://www.sigmanu.org/programs/lead/phasei.php
LEAD Phase II: The Life of Love
Phase II continues the development of ethical leaders that began in Phase I. Participants in Phase II will begin to develop and refine the skills necessary to become and remain successful leaders in society. This is the basis of member education.
LEAD Phase II Topics: http://www.sigmanu.org/programs/lead/phaseii.php
LEAD Phase III: The Light of Truth
Phase III offers an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and skills developed throughout Phases I and II. This phase takes a "Leadership Lab" approach that drives participants to refine their skills while benefiting their university, Greek and local community.
LEAD Phase III Topics: http://www.sigmanu.org/programs/lead/phaseiii.php
LEAD Phase IV: The End...The Beginning
Phase IV provides an opportunity for graduating members to refine specific skills to be successful in the years immediately following their graduation, as well as an opportunity to continue their committed involvement in the collegiate chapter..
LEAD Phase IV Topics: http://www.sigmanu.org/programs/lead/phaseiv.php